
Your Wedding Budget Worksheet

Going into debt for your wedding shouldnt't be on the table. Check out how we planned a debt free wedding and how you can too.

Hi Minimisers!

Are you planning your wedding and are not quite sure where to start with your wedding budget?

I’m here to help 🙂

Grab your free copy of my Wedding Budget Worksheet for ideas on the kind of expenses you will need to budget for by filling in the form below.

Make a copy for yourself and as you lock in your suppliers, take note of the invoice amount and deposit paid and final due dates. By the end of your engagement you are going to thank yourself that you have all those deposits, balances and due dates recorded so you can focus on your wedding and save yourself some stress!

Before you lock in any suppliers, be sure to get three quotes minimum, this will help you get an idea of what is affordable, in the middle and very expensive. Of course don’t forget to weight up quality versus price, sometimes the cheapest supplier might not be the one that is going to be as reliable or helpful!

Helpful Instructions!

Here’s how the worksheet works 🙂

Column A: List all the expenses for your wedding, try and be as thorough as possible. Incidentals like stationery and decor can add up.

Column B: Here I have categorised the expenses items, nothing to do here 🙂

Column C: fill in the budget for the item in column corresponding to the expense (inclusive of tax). Of course if there is a row missing add it in!

Column D: fill in the actual cost for the expense

Column  E: Enter any deposit paid at the time of booking into column D

Column F: Enter the Final Balance Due Date noted on the invoice

Column G: These fields will self-populate based on what you entered in the total and deposit fields for columns D and E

Column H: Column G is where you can list the date you have schedule your payment so you can keep track of when payments are coming out. Mark the invoice as ‘PAID’ one the transfer has gone through. 

And that’s it! I hope that you find this worksheet helpful in planning your wedding!

Don’t forget to check out my post on How We Planned A Debt Free Wedding for some helpful tips on how you can save money on your wedding.

Thanks Minimisers!






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