Work With Us

At Minimise With Me, it’s our passion to help women take the stress out of their money by teaching them to spend their money with intention so that they can create their ideal life. 

Ready to feel confident and empowered with your money? Stop feeling overwhelmed when it comes to your finances and start achieving your financial goals and creating your ideal life with Financial Coaching

In the past you were kinda just winging it when it came to your finances. 

For a time that worked, you were able to pay your monthly bills and still had money left over for the fun stuff like festivals and drinks with the girls. 

But lately, things are starting to feel more stressful and tight financially…

You know you earn good money, but don’t feel you have much to show for it

You feel like you should be further ahead with your financial goals than you are…

You want to start taking your money more seriously, spend your money in line with your values and feel more financially peaceful….

You’re sick of your finances feeling chaotic and just wish there was someone that could simplify your finances, make it all make more sense (so you knew exactly what to do on pay day) and give you direction over how to make progress with your top financial goals…

Maybe you’ve tried budgeting in the past before but found it just never seems to work for you… 

The great news is you don’t have to continue to struggle on your own!

Say goodbye to feeling unconfident and stressed with your money and hello to feeling AMAZING with the


Are ready to take feel more confident with your money and make financial progress like paying down your debt once and for all and saving more for the things that are important to you?

You'll feel happier, more confident and less stressed with Money Coaching

Benefits of Working With a Financial Coach

Financial Coaching won’t just  benefit your wallet or bank balance, here us just some of the benefits of working with Financial Coach

✔️ You’ll feel more confident with your finances and excited about your future

✔️ You’ll feel less stressed and less overwhelmed with your finances meaning better health and more restful sleep

✔️ You’ll learn new money habits and how to spend your money with more intention on the things that truly matter to you (other than bills, we aren’t magicians hehe)

✔️ You’ll feel happier knowing that you are finally moving forward with your finances and can celebrate the small wins on the way like having an emergency fund for peace of mind!

✔️ You can finally start to build your ideal life, whatever that looks like to you; feeling financially secure, working less, spending more time with your family or friends, travelling, being able to take your kids out more and having more money for the fun stuff in life. 

Meet Your Money Coach

Feel like you don’t know where your money is going? I’ve been there before too… 

Growing up I watched my Mum’s world change suddenly as she was faced with raising two teenagers on a single low income after divorce. This time had a huge impact on my life and  showed me how much of an impact our finances have on our lives.   

As a young adult I was determined to feel financially secure so I didn’t have to experience those same money struggles I watched my Mum face. It’s part of the reason I became an Accountant.

Fast forward to my late 20s… I was doing well financially, or so I thought…

I was able to pay my bills and save a bit, but I wasn’t spending my money with intention and didn’t have any clear financial goals. I found myself stuck in a spiral of spending my money impulsively and feeling regret and anxiety when my credit card statement arrived. Not to mention overwhelmed by all the stuff I had accumulated over the years.

I had student loans and a mortgage and was feeling stuck in my career. I wanted the freedom to travel more and maybe start my own business, but knew that my spending didn’t reflect those goals. 

I realised something needed to change with my money and from that moment, I changed my financial future forever…

Book in a Free Q&A Call 
If you’d like to learn more about Financial Coaching and how I can help you achieve your financial goals you can book in a free consultation call with Financial Coach Jess. 


Amazement Session (2 Hour Deep Dive, Virtual) 
In your Amazement Session you will work 1 on 1 with your coach to gain clarity over your current money roadblocks and stresses, and create a game plan that you feel confident in so you can tackle your top financial goals.


Financial Dreams to Reality Program (4 months, 1 on 1 Coaching)
If after your Amazement Session you want more support and an accountability partner to walk alongside you to achieve your next financial goals, I offer a 1 on 1 coaching program where we will meet on a monthly basis to give you new money skills, insights, tools and support to tackle your financial challenges as they come up and help you achieve your money goals faster.

My Values

⭐ I want people to GET EXCITED about their finances and to get my clients DREAMING about their future! Finances shouldn’t be stressful or a source of shame or anxiety. I want to make personal finances a positive experience and show people how they can utilise their money to create their ideal life and embrace life goals they never thought possible! 


I believe that the key to success with money is to have fun whilst still making progress on your finance goals. Budgeting isn’t meant to be about deprivation and cutting out all the fun stuff. I practice what I preach and whilst I paid off debt, I did so ensuring that I still allowed myself to enjoy my life and rewarded myself as I achieved milestones. 

⭐ Just as every person is unique, so is every budget. What may seem like a good way to spend money to one person, or a good timeline to pay off debt, may not be to another. I’m here to help people create a unique plan for their money that they feel happy about and motivated by and that they can realistically stick to. If something doesn’t feel right or work for you, it’s my job to give you more strategies to try until we find the right fit and approach for you. 

⭐ I think it is important that everyone creates a plan for their money that is in line with their values. We shouldn’t let other people, family, friends or store sales dictate what we spend our money on. When we get clear on what is most important to us in life we can start to spend our money with more intention and on what truly matters to us. 

What I Offer As a Financial Coach

⭐ I provide a judgmental free safe space for my clients to discuss their wildest hopes and dreams. It’s my job to be your cheerleader and get you where you want to be with your money

 ⭐ I will save you time and energy! No more trawling the internet for months trying to figure out the best budgeting tools, wondering what debt you should tackle first or wondering what you can and can’t spend before you leave yourself short. You will have access to someone to guide you and get you to where you want to be faster

⭐ Some of us struggle to stay motivated and follow through with our financial goals. You might have the best intentions, but when your goals are out of sight and out of mind and life gets in the way, suddenly your financial goals can be placed on the back burner. A Financial Coach will be your accountability partner along your financial journey to help you stay on track so you can reach your desired goals

 ⭐ A flexible and sustainable approach to managing your money day to day. There are one-size fits all budgeting approaches out there in Googleland, but these don’t always work for everyone. 

⭐ I’m a licensed CPA (Certified Practising Accountant), a globally-recognised accounting designation so you can feel confident that your coach has an ongoing commitment to professional standards and continuous development. You can learn more about CPA Australia here.

Personal finance is just that, personal. Your Financial Coach will be there to walk with you as roadblocks pop up threatening to derail your progress and help you create a tailored plan for your money that you feel great about, that’s sustainable and that takes your values and strengths and weaknesses into account. 

Ready to take action and spend your money with intention?

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Grab your free ‘101 Ways to Save’ eBook & get our Monthly ‘Spend With Intention’ Newsletter & other updates!

Minimise With Me Pty. Ltd. is a CPA Business.

Minimise With Me Pty. Ltd. is a CPA Business.

Limited Liability by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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Minimise With Me
Average rating:  
 3 reviews
 by Jana Dangerfield

Before my Amazement session with Jess, I was feeling overwhelmed when it came to my finances. I felt that I didn’t have real control on how I was spending and seemed to fall short each month. I felt that my salary was comfortable enough to feel financially peaceful but didn’t quite have to tools to put what I wanted to in place. I needed help with budgeting, clearing some consumer debt, saving goals and having a clear picture of my money. Jess helped me to go through all my numbers and make a sustainable plan for my money that balanced being able to enjoy life and what is important to me, whilst still being able to achieve my financial goals. I am so thankful for what I have learnt about my finances with Jess, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. She has provided me with some very useful tools to help me manage my finances, I’m now confident and optimistic about my finances and financial future. I would highly recommend Minimise With Me Financial Coaching to anyone who wants to learn more about their finances, take control and feel Financially Peaceful.

 by Alex S.
I feel a lot less stressed and less worried for the future

First of I was super nervous and stressed before the session because my finances were in a bit of a mess. Jess instantly made me feel relaxed and explained everything thoroughly checking I understood. We worked together to come up with more realistic budget figures but not unachievable ones. I managed to actually be able to be in profit at the end and have money to pay my parents back and put extra into my savings. Now I feel a lot less stressed and less worried for the future. Thanks Jess!

 by Nicki Folland-Smith
Everyone needs Jess in their corner

I can’t thank Jessica, from Minimise with Me, enough for helping me sift through our finances and give me the tools and encouragement to get our financial life in order and working for us, instead of us being a slave to it.
After talking through what kind of life we want to live and what our spending habits currently look like, Jess sent us our own personalised Amazement Session Strategy Summary, with points on how to take some quick steps forward. It is reassuring to know we are now doing everything we can to live more intentionally, whilst still living awesomely! Thanks Jess.