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Free Decluttering Treasure Hunt Printable

This is the printable you will receive in the Decluttering treasure hunt Printable showing all 50 items to declutter

If you’re not someone who finds decluttering as fun as I do, hopefully this Decluttering Treasure Hunt Printable will help take the tediousness out of decluttering!

To grab your free Decluttering Treasure Hunt Printable simply fill in the form below and download and print off your printable. Cross off each item as you declutter it.


And let me know in the comments how many of the 50 items you found, declutter and crossed off your list! 🙂

And if you love Decluttering Check Lists don’t forget to grab this one next 101 Things To Declutter in Your Home Right Now so you can keep going on your journey to declutter and minimise the excess!

Hope you have fun with this one, minimisers!


Your Freezer Inventory Worksheet

Do you ever really know what is in your freezer? If you are anything like me, you are short of space and sometimes would rather just avoid going into your freezer altogether. But don’t fret there is an easier way to know what is in your freezer without having to pull everything out each meal planning day.

Check out my Freezer Inventory Worksheet.

Reduce food waste with this Freezer Inventory Worksheeet!

Simply print out your own copy, write down the items in your freezer by category, note when they were frozen, how many days you have to use them (e.g. if you freeze chicken breast on the 8th and the use by date is the 12th I write +4 days so I know once it is) and then mark in the quantity as a weight or number. Then stick it on the front of your fridge or in your planner.

If you do your freezer inventory worksheet once every month or so you will be able to see what you have in your freezer at a glance, plan meals around it and reduce food waste. Not to mention you will avoid having an overstocked freezer where things start falling out or your door doesn’t close!

Don’t forget to check this blog post for tips on how to reduce food waste in your home and save money on your shopping budget!

Thanks Minimisers,
