Minimise With Me: 52-Week Savings Challenge
If you want to kick start your savings account join the Minimise With Me: 52-Week Savings Challenge and get your free Savings Challenge Printable Tracker and start your new savings habit today! Saving small amounts of money can seem like it’ll never get you to your goals and like it isn’t worth the effort but it’s important to remember that saving can start with just $5 a week and is a habit that can be built up over time.
The key is to make it a regular habit so you build your savings muscle. Eventually, it will be an automatic behavior and you won’t know why you didn’t start it sooner!
To help you get started and find some savings in your budget, here are 10 Tips to Jump Start Your Savings Fund.
Start with one or two of the savings options below, or come up with your own and add one as you move through the year. The more you pick or add to the list, the quicker you will build up your savings balance! These don’t have to be enormous life-altering behaviors like moving back home or never having a night out for the foreseeable future. The smallest habits can add up to a big amount of spare cash you can save!
10 Tips to Jump-Start Your Savings Fund
1. Bring your lunch from home: Savings $10/day
2. Skip the coke at lunch and bring a water bottle from home: Savings $3.80/day
3. Bring coffee from home in a stainless steel travel mug: Savings $4.40/day
4. Sell something you no longer need: Savings $20/week
5. Skip the bag of chips on your afternoon tea break and bring your own snacks from home: Savings $2.50/day
6. Call up a bill provider like your electricity or mobile phone provider and ask for a better deal: Savings $5/week
7. Skip going shopping on your lunch break: Savings $15
8. Invite friends over for dinner and ask each friend to bring a plate instead of going out for dinner and drinks: Savings – Ubers, alcohol, dinner $100
9. Reduce your grocery bill by meal planning. Check out some extra tips to save on groceries here. – Savings $10/week (I’m talking minimum!)
10. Cancel any subscriptions you are not currently watching or using: Savings $10/month
Want More Savings Tips?
For more tips on how you can save money don’t forget to sign up for the Minimise With Me Mailing List and get access to your free copy of my eBook: 101 Ways to Save Money Whilst Living Awesomely” for even more ideas on how you can add to your savings challenge fund each week.

Let’s Get Started!
Now that you have your tips to get started let’s get into the challenge!
Here it is, the 52-Week Challenge Printable check out the PDF and download your own copy to print and mark off as you save!
What savings tips do you have that can help others on the challenge? Share them in the comments below 🙂
Good Luck, Minimisers!
Jennifer | Honey Rule
April 9, 2018 at 7:02 pmGreat ideas! I’ve implemented most of these tips already in my life over the past few months and it’s made a huge difference. When I started my new job in November (with a salary bigger than I’ve ever had before), I was tempted by social aspects with my new coworkers and I was easily spending $30 a day on food at work, between breakfast, lunch, and snacks! I had a huge “dining out” budget and a growing waistline to prove it. Now I bring my lunch every day (or at least I try to), and I only eat breakfast out once a week. It’s saving me so much time, money, and my habits are much healthier now.
April 10, 2018 at 9:56 amThat’s awesome. Jennifer. And yes there can be pressure to spend more when you are around people everyday all day, but glad you have found something that works for you and have managed to save lots. When I looked at what we were spending on breakfast, lunch and dinner every day I was mortified it really can add up to a lot of cash that could be much better utilised! I find that I actually prefer bringing my home-cooked meals over grabbing something else most days now anyway 🙂 Keep up the great work with the budget!
– Jess
Ranap Sianturi
January 7, 2019 at 9:39 amnice tips jess, I love this, this idea is very usefull, I wish I can do this challenge with my money, thanks for sharing this great tips.
Jess - Minimise With Me
January 15, 2019 at 9:11 amNo problems, Ranap glad they were helpful. Good luck on your money Challenge, you can do it! 🙂