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15 Tips to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

Sick of throwing away your fresh produce? Check out these 15 Tips to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

When I first moved out of home, I thought I had everything worked out. I could vacuum by age twelve and washed my own clothes by fourteen. And thanks to that, but the time I moved out, into my very first home at 24 but I was adulting reasonably well.

Notwithstanding that, after a few years of living out of home in my mid twentys, it became pretty evident that my husband and I were binning an unbelievable amount of food (and money!) every week.

Every Sunday, our bin collection day, came the ritual. I would open up our fridge and proceed to empty it of anything that had gone out of date or that had gone bad. Some days I would have 2-3 bags of food waste. It was all being composted by our local council, but that really wasn’t the point!

We were wasting time shopping for items we didn’t need.

My Sunday was being eaten up clearing out said fridge of our excess food, time that of course, could be better spent doing anything but clearing out our fridge accumulations. We were wasted money on food we weren’t eating and were literally throwing our money down the drain. And most importantly we were being environmentally wasteful. Perfectly good food was going in the bin because we were too time poor to cook it and often ended up just grabbing KFC on the way home instead.

Once the realisation of the level of all round waste sunk in, and the acknowledgement of the invisible money we had been throwing straight into our bin, I became extremely interested in researching the correct way to store and prolong the life of food.

Over the next couple of years I picked up heaps of tips and tricks that have helped us to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money that I am going to share with you below in the hope that it too, will help you. This list is not exhaustive, and there are many more for the different foods you consume in your household, but these are the ones that have helped me the most.

Let’s get to it, here are 15 Tips to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

15 Tips to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

  1. Shop ‘Just In Time’

Start Meal Plannning and reduce food waste and save money all at the same time without much effort! Check your calendar and shop for the meals you plan to eat at home, so you don’t end up buying more than you need. When you are more intentional with your grocery shop, not only can you reduce what ends up in your waste bin, but there are huge dollar savings to be had. Check out My Beginner’s Guide to Meal Planning here for more tips on how to shop intentionally for groceries.

nd something that isn’t touched on much, there is an awesome satisfaction to having just enough and using up what you do have. Give it a go and let me know if you found the same! 🙂

  1. Capsicum

Throw your capsicum in a plastic bag when you get home to make them last a good 2-3 weeks. Normally if you leave them out in the open they will start to spoil around the 5-7 day mark. Alternatively slice them up and freeze them to use on a home-made pizza or stir fry.

  1. Basil

I like to buy Basil plants from the local supermarket and throw them in a glass and water them each day, leaving it on my kitchen windowsill where they can get some sunlight. This usually extends the life to 2-3 weeks rather than the ones in packaging which seems to die a couple of days after they enter your fridge.

Before this I was spending $3 or more a week on basil, which seemed to always go bad when I needed it for a meal. I now can get away with spending $3 once every three weeks or as I need it.

Of course if you have a green thumb, please do grow your own, but I have tried and failed at growing it outside, but if you can you are amazing! :))

  1. Fresh Herbs

Reduce food waste and save money by wrapping your herbs in dry paper towel, just a thin layer underneath and on top and store your herbs in a container. We’ve done this with Coriander and it helps extend the life to at least 7 days Vs just leaving the Coriander in a container and watching it wilt in a matter of days.

Alternatively you can freeze your herbs in ice cube containers with oil to use when cooking.

  1. Chillies  

We used to buy and bin red chillies too frequently. It was a ridiculous waste of food and money so I learnt from our extremely knowledgeable Mother In Law that you can easily freeze Chillies. Simply throw them into your freezer in the container or bag they come in and they’ll keep for months! When you are ready to use them, simply grab them out of the freezer and slice and they will defrost in your pan.

  1. Spinach/Rocket leaves

Another food managed to reduce food waste and save money with was spinach/rocket salad leafs. We often ended up buying more than we needed and wasting the excess until we figured out there was an easy and less wasteful way to extend the life of your Spinach or Rocket.

Like with the Herbs, mentioned earlier, if you store your Spinach or Rocket in an airtight container lined with paper towel on the top of bottom, this will draw out any moisture from the leaves, keeping them fresher for longer. This can give you extra time to enjoy your salad and save you on those costly salad bags!  

Want to Save More Money? Check out the 52 Week Savings Challenge

  1. Carrots

This is a super new tip I learnt to reduce food waste and save money and another easy one. I cannot tell you how many times we grabbed a kilo bag of Carrots from Aldi (as they only sell them in bulk) when we only needed 3 or 4 carrots for a soup. We’d soon forget about said Carrots and before we knew it they were bad and needed to be binned.

If this has been you up to this point, here’s an easy tip to reduce food waste and save money with your carrots..

Put all of your carrots into a large cup filled with water in the fridge. And just change out the water every 2-3 days to keep them fresh. This will make them last around 2-3 weeks! And of course you can always dice them and freeze any excess, or slice them and have them as a snack with your favourite dip!

  1. Bread

This is a pretty obvious one but one that can’t be forgotten. Freeze all your bread products! It’s just my husband and I so we don’t get through even a loaf a week but always like to have bread handy, so we got into the habit a long time ago of freezing everything: Crumpets, English Muffins, Bread, Wraps, Pizza Bases – you name it!

It doesn’t work so ideal for things you want to eat fresh, but for anything you plan to toast or put in the oven – it works a charm! Simply chuck in the microwave for 30-40 seconds and then toast away! And a great thing to utilise if you want to stock up on bread when it’s on sale!

  1. Bananas

Another tip to reduce food waste and save money is to, take your browning bananas and chuck them in your freezer for later use with baking or use them up straightaway to make your favourite Banana baked treats! My fave being banana bread. You can also use them for making Banana Ice Cream or keep them for smoothies or milkshakes!

And if you want to enjoy them for longer, simply wrap the tops of the stems firmly with cling wrap or slow down the ripening process by storing them in the fridge until the day you are ready to eat them!

  1. Onions

Have you ever chopped half an onion and not known what to do with the rest? Me too! An easy tip to reduce food waste and save money is to slice any left over onions and freeze them in a resealable sandwich bag. They won’t be ideal for using them fresh, but are great to throw in a curry, stir fry or on a pizza.

  1. Spring Onions & Leeks

I often find that I always have more spring onion than I need for my meal. Reduce waste and save money by chopping the base of the spring onion leaving about 10cm and drop the roots into a glass of water. Over the next 7 or so days you’ll have a new bunch of spring onions sprout. And surely a fun experiment for the kids!

This also works for Leaks but so far it has been less successful! I have found that around this point the base gets a bit too moist, so after this I throw it into our compost bin. But you should get two for the price of one this way 😉

With the spring onions, slice them up and freeze what you don’t need to use immediately in a zip lock back. Simply shake out the contents into your soup or stir fry when you need them and squeeze out the air in your bag when returning them to the freezer.

  1. Tomato Paste  

If your recipe calls for 3 tablespoons of tomato paste don’t feel you need to just throw it back in the fridge, ending up with that gross mould that seems to find it’s way into the jar before you bin the jar. Divvy what’s left into an ice cube tray and store in a sandwich bag when they are frozen blocks. Pop out however many you need when you are cooking.

If you do plan to use your remaining paste in the next week or so, store the jar upside down to stop that mildew from forming inside the jar. (Just be careful not to leave if for too long as ours exploded and we had sauce everywhere ‘;))   

  1. Eggs

If your eggs are out of date, reduce food waste and save money by testing your eggs before you throw them out. Wonder How To: Food Hacks suggests you fill a bowl with cold water and put the eggs inside. If they sink to the bottom they are fresh, if they float they are past their prime so go ahead and bin those. Rather than just binning ours the day they go over the use by date, we now do a quick check on them!

  1. Berries & Grapes

Another way to reduce food waste and save money is to freeze your Berries and Grapes. recommends layering them on an oven tray to freeze and then storing them in airtight containers. The Grapes make a great frozen, healthy snack and the berries can be added to fruit smoothies!  

  1. Celery

If you can’t quite eat a whole bunch of celery in the time it takes to go bad, try this tip from Clean My Space to reduce food waste and save money. Wrap your celery tightly in foil to keep it fresh for up to two weeks! I’ve just tested this and happy to say it certainly works! Alternatively you can dice it up and freeze it ready to use in your next batch of soup! With celery at $3-4 a bunch it’s a great way to save!  

And there you have it guys, 15 Tips to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money!

This Week’s Comment Question: What do you do at home to prolong the life of you food and save money on groceries? Let me know in the comments below!  

For more helpful tips to reduce food waste and save money check out:
10 Easy Tips To Save Money On your Groceries Budget and 6 Tips to Drastically Cut Your Grocery Bill

[Photo by: Elena Koycheva @]

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My Zero Waste Journey: A Beginner’s Guide to Zero Waste Living

**This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase of a product from the links in this post I will receive a small commission, at no cost to you. This allows me to keep my blog advertisement free and support the running costs of my blog. I only recommend products I believe will add value to others and that I love myself.**


Since discovering Minimalism and trying to lead a more intentional life, I become pretty interested in reducing my environmental footprint. Through my research I stumbled across a new lifestyle called Zero Waste Living. It’s something that over the past couple of years I have become quite passionate about learning as much as I can about it. I was extremely curious about what I could do to limit my impact on the environment.

After decluttering over half of our belongings I realised that our household had been contributing to unnecessary waste. I wanted  to take steps to minimise this in the minimising process. And so whilst decluttering our home, I tried to thoughtfully dispose of everything. By either selling it to someone who would love it, donate it to someone in need or passing the items on to friends and family. I even went as far as keeping damaged items such as a large bag of old CDs and a broken microwave that I knew could be recycled at our local councils recycling collection event rather than letting them end up in land fill. If something could be recycled or passed on in some way, I was going to find it and do everything I could to keep it out of landfill. It just felt right. And hey, I brought all that unnecessary crap into my home, it was my responsibility to dispose of it in an intentional manner.

The passion to reduce my waste footprint grew from there after watching the first three episodes of ABC’s #waronwasteI was amazed to see how much the families in the show had reduced their waste with a small amount of information and effort. I wanted to do the same, so I set myself a challenge to be more conscious of our waste management and recycling. After the first fortnight, we went from having a full waste bin to just a half full small shopping bag of house hold waste for the fortnight. I was amazed at how a small amount of education helped us to drastically reduce what we were sending to landfill and knew I wanted to do more.

I have since taken small steps to implement new, environmentally friendly consumption habits into my life. I’m in no way perfect, who is, but I feel like I have made some amazing progress in a small space of time. If you are as passionate about myself about doing your part for the environment and keen to learn more on ways that you can consume less, and live with more intention when it comes to your household waste habits check out this Beginners Guide to Going Zero Waste!

What is Zero Waste?
Zero Waste is all about reducing what waste we make in our household. This includes any food scraps, recyclables and general household waste. Going Zero Waste aims to recognises the environmental impact your consumption habits are having on the environment and eliminate as much of it as possible. It can be as extreme or relaxed as you want it, but every effort you make goes a long way!

Every bag you bin, unnecessary piece of paper you print, food you waste needs to be recycled in some way or disposed of in landfill. When you start to pay attention to what you are throwing out week after week it really is eye opening as to how much waste we are creating and throwing away.

How you can get started? 
The best thing about going zero waste is there are so many amazing blogs and articles or videos about how you can reduce your environmental foot print. I started my ‘Zero Waste Journey’ by swapping out a few disposable items for reusable ones and getting a little crafty with how I used products in my home.

I started with just the easy stuff I could think of and recommend that for anyone wanting to adopt Zero Waste Living. You can always start with the easy stuff and add in more with trial and error as you go.

These are the things I did to begin my Zero Waste Living journey.

1. I replaced disposable beverages with a reusable alternative

We used to buy a 24 pack of water bottles once every fortnight. Just think, our bottled water use alone was contributing to 48 bottles of waste every month, not including our other drinks! We made the decision to stop buying these bottles an instead invested in a water filter jug to have at home. We got this one from Kmart  and a stainless steel drink bottle which meant we no longer needed to buy those polluting bottles of water. Not only were we saving the environment but about $200 a year.

We didn’t stop there. I am not a coffee drinker so this wasn’t such a biggie for me but as soon as I discovered how many coffee cups ended up in landfill – all of them – I was shocked and alarmed. I had no idea that due to the waterproofing material in coffee cups that they were not recyclable. My husband is a two-a-day coffee kind of guy (I’m sure it’s actually more… XD) so as soon as Christmas rolled around I grabbed him a custom designed Keep Cup, a beautifully curated black and white design by yours truly. We ended up getting gifted another one from a friend (which I have adopted for my occasional white hot chocolate usage) and they are an amazing zero waste alternative. They are quality, dishwasher safe (you know you are old when that is exciting news!), keep your drink super warm (hot even!), come in a variety of shapes and sizes and stop those unrecyclable coffee cups from going into landfill. The next time you go for your morning coffee, bring yours along and give the environment one huge leg up!

2. Stopped buying single use straws
After learning what I could about the correct way to recycle, I couldn’t help but notice one of the things that we were binning still were disposable straws. According to, 500 million straws are used every single day in the USA alone. That is a HUUUUGE number of straws for one country! The problem is they take so many resources to make, the plastic, energy, transport etc and only seconds to use, but never break down. Straws not only cause environmental disaster but are a huge problem for marine life. I once saw a straw being pulled out a turtle’s nose and that still bothers me to this day. No turtle or other animal should be harmed by our waste. Pledge to say #notothestraw today and swap your disposable ones out for one like these Ever Eco Reusable Straws which I have been using for the past year. They’re super easy to clean and don’t harm the environment. Or simply go without a straw, I promise – you will be fine 🙂

3. Switched to reusable make up pads
Another thing still in my red waste bin each week, even after recycling everything I could were my disposable make up remover pads. I’d had these on my wist list for ages and recently bought and tried my first set of Reusable Make Up Pads. I am definitely keen to keep these in my zero waste favourites list. I simply use them with moisturiser at night and soak them before throwing them in the wash. Easy! No more disposable make up pads in landfill and I have saved myself the cost of future make up remover pads!

4. Reusable pads
The hygiene line of zero waste products was something I didn’t jump on board with straight away but after a while I realised how unhealthy it was to buy chemical laden products for *ahem* ‘those areas’. Not to mention the cost month after month, year on year. I decided to give these Reusable Pads a go and found that they weren’t as bad as I had first thought.

Full warning, slight TMI coming; Despite thinking the cleaning process would be gross and unpleasant I didn’t really find it that bad at all. And periods are just something that happen, so the sooner we can get over any grossness, the sooner we can limit the chemicals near our bodies, start saving some serious cash and most importantly limit our environmental impact.

Being a finance blog I couldn’t resist mentioning the long-term cost savings of this switch. Let’s estimate the cost savings at $5 minimum a packet, this reusable option would be at least a $60 saving a year. That could be much better spent on a massage or high tea with friends (or straight to that debt – again, finance blog 😉 )!

5. I found alternatives to disposal food wrapping
Every time I was cooking I found myself extremely bothered by the waste that brought with it. Cling wrap, sandwich bags, paper towel, foil and baking paper were used once and binned, previously without a thought. But now I was much more conscious of what I was binning I couldn’t stand by and continue my unintentional waste of single-use items. Here I had a few methods to change my household waste.

– I used Bees Wax Wraps to wrap food instead of single use products. These are great for wrapping sandwiches or bread, cheese and fruit and are easily washed and reused. They also come in the cutest designs and different sizes so that was a bonus!
– I avoided using sandwich bags unless I really needed to. When it came to meat products in the freezer I was still stuck using a freezer bag (working to replace this), but where I could avoid it I would. I started to use containers as much as possible for food rather then storing them in bowls or plates with foil or cling wrap.
– A friend recommended I use and IKEA cooking mat for a baking paper replacement which has worked a treat so far. It’s sold as a preparation mat but seems to be effective for both uses.
– I started using microfibre cloths over paper towels where I could which was about 95% of the time. They can be washed and reused up to 500 times each vs a single use paper towel. The choice for me was an easy one!
– I started to implement some frugal methods to reuse what I could. I did my best at reusing sandwich bags by labelling them and using them again and again for like items. I have three in my freezer currently for spring onion, regular onions and red chillis. Rather then emptying the packet and binning them and getting a new one we can simply put them back in the freezer and reuse them when we are ready.

6. I started carrying a reusable bag with me everywhere
In Australia, there has been a growing campaign #saynotothebag and it seems to be really making it’s mark. From July 1st 2018 supermarkets have been phasing out single use plastic bags, so I have got into the habit of carrying at least one with me at all times. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have been able to turn down a plastic bag recently because I had my own with me. That alone has made a huge impact on achieving my zero waste goals. And I must admit, I am more than looking forward to not being swamped with bag after bag in my cupboards that seem to just multiply and never end.

What else can I do to achieve Zero Waste?

These were just a handful of things I have done on my Zero Waste Journey but there are many more that you can try. I recommend you start with the ones you feel most excited to try out and work your way to the others that will be a bigger transition!

Here’s another 25 Zero Waste Tips for you to try out for your home:

1. Take any soft plastics you have to the Red Cycle bins at the front of your local Coles or Woolies. They will be recycled and made into furniture and reduce your waste bin drastically. Just watch! 🙂
2. If you forget your reusable coffee cup when going out for a coffee, when possible opt to dine in instead and ask for a mug.
3. Bring your lunch to work to avoid buying food with disposable packaging.
4. Wash your kitchen sponge in the dishwasher to make them last longer. Or replace your disposable sponges with microfibre clothes that can be used 100s of times and throw them in the washing machine.
5. Bring a reusable water bottle rather than buying bottled water when you are out. This will save you lots too!
6. Shop intentionally. Don’t buy things just because you are bored. Ask these 7 questions before buying anything!
7. Start meal planning to reduce over shopping at the supermarket and only buy what you will need for the 1-2 weeks ahead. Check out this Weekly Meal Planner Printable to get you started!
9. Use paper towel sparingly for things like oil spills and icky stains and stick to reusable cloths like microfibre cloths for other spills.
10. Reuse your foil. If it is clean fold away and reuse for next time. You can also put these in the dishwasher! That blew my mind!
11. Same goes for your freezer bags. Mark them for uses e.g. Onions, Spring Onions, Chillies etc and reuse them for the same items. Of course never reuse any that are for meat.
12. Take your left overs home to eat rather then letting them go in the bin.
13. Get yourself a set of reusable bags to leave in your boot for when shopping. Do this every week and you are saving a lot of bags ending up in landfill.
14. Try to only buy what you need. If you are a household of two don’t buy plates and cups for a house of 12.
15.  Don’t buy beauty products on impulse. Only replace what you need as you need it. They expire and can grow bacteria once they expire anyway 🙂
16. Consider borrowing or buying something second hand rather than replacing it with something new where possible.
17. Pay it forward if you don’t need something donate it or list it on a free cycle site. Keep it out of landfill if it is usable.
18. Repair rather than replace. Sew on a new button, take your clothing to a tailor to take it in rather than replacing it if it is still wearable.
19. Learn how to store your food correctly to extend it’s shelf life and limit what you are throwing in your bin.
20. Gift experiences over things where possible. Reduce the chances of giving someone a gift they don’t need that they will bin or clutter up their homes unnecessarily.
21. Gift consumables over things such as some home made cookies in a reusable jar.
22. Switch to eBooks and audiobooks. Reduce the clutter in your home and save the environment. Get a library card to borrow copies of books or DVDs or ask a friend if they have a copy you can borrow.
23. Watch streaming sites such as Netflix rather than buying DVDs and save buying DVDs for the really special movies you plan to watch over and over again.
24. Put no junk mail signs on your letter box to reduce junk mail build up. If more people do this less catalogues will be printed (I can only hope!).
25. Switch to emailed bills to save on unnecessary printing.
This weeks comment question: How have you adopted #zerowasteliving in your home? Let me know your favourite Zero Waste Tips in the comments below! 🙂 

[Photo: Sylvie Tittel]

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